New Year, New Me?
If you have been on a social media site during January, chances are, you have seen the infamous “New Year, New Me” phrase, in anticipation for the changes (i.e., resolutions) an individual plans to make in the new year. Unfortunately, this “New Year, New Me” phrase, often does not hold true as a continuous theme throughout the year. We have 3 easy ways to reinvent your resolutions for 2021, in ways that are more feasible and will allow you to realistically build your “New Year, New Me” that will actually stick!
1. Gamify your Goals:
This 1st method can bring an element of fun to completing those goals of yours, that may be particularly tedious or mundane: gamification! During grad school, gamification was an effective method my classmates and I used often, to complete arduous tasks. Additionally, my students found it very helpful as well. Gamification is a way to make your goals into games, and there are several studies that show how gamification not only helps individuals to achieve goals more quickly and more efficiently, but also makes the process more fun!
Gamification has become very popular in academic and workplace environments, because of its positive results. So, why does gamification work so well? One word: motivation! Motivation is a proven element in achieving better productivity, so it’s no wonder that gamification is so efficient, considering its motivational aspects. Gamification can be done in several different ways; you can make a checklist of goals that you finish by a certain time or date, allow yourself to receive rewards once you reach specific milestones, etc. — the more creative you are, the more fun it’ll be! Start gamifying your goals using apps like Habitica.
2. Use Personalized Voice Alarms
Due to numerous email, app, and text message notifications one can receive on their phone, alarms and reminders you set for certain tasks, can easily get ignored among those other — less important — notifications. I am personally guilty of swiping alarms & reminders away, forgetting to check them, only to realize I hadn’t done so later on. To solve this, I researched apps that allow me to leave personalized voice notes, which would likely grab my attention more, than regular alarm ringtones. Since using apps like Talking Alarm Clock — where I can add personalized voice notes, along with a ringtone — I complete my tasks much more efficiently now!
3. Find an Accountability Partner
If you see that sticking to your goals alone is difficult, you may need to try an accountability partner. Often, this term can have a negative connotation, as it can sometimes imply that this partner will be an annoying entity, that will nag or agitate you until you complete a task — but, If done right, this is far from true…
As a writer, I’ve had accountability partners who drastically helped me meet goals and due dates; additionally, talking to them about my struggles along the way, definitely helped me complete the work more efficiently & promptly. Accountability partners come in many forms: family members, friends, or — depending on how big the tasks — they can even be a Virtual Assistant, from companies like Organized Q! Organized Q specializes in pairing individuals with a Virtual Executive Assistant, who not only serve as accountability partners, helping you remember certain tasks, but also assist with the completion of those tasks as well. It’s a win-win situation.
Moving Into the New Year
As we move further into the New Year, remember to use any of these 3 easy methods to help you realistically accomplish your resolutions. You’ll find yourself quickly marking off your current goals and making way for new ones!
Organized Q, a Virtual Executive Assistant Agency, has been in business for 4 years and has always known remote work works. We have been providing virtual executive assistant services to small business owners and executives prior to remote work being the norm. Our team of virtual executive assistants consists of highly qualified professional military spouses and veterans who are dedicated to the clients we serve while also maintaining a healthy work-life balance.